Resilient Food Systems and Nutrition Work Group

Since March 2020, the COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Work Group has evolved to respond to the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and their family’s diet quality, food security, and overall health and well-being. Following the end of the Federal Public Health Emergency, the COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Work Group has now relaunched as the Resilient Food Systems and Nutrition Work Group. The work group, co-led with HER, will concentrate on how emergencies and environmental related disruptions affect the food system and access to food and nutrition at the individual, household, and community levels. The overall goal of the work group is to identify, evaluate, and disseminate the most effective strategies to promote food security, diet quality, and overall health and well-being during and after disruptions and environmental changes.

To learn more about the Work Group, click here

Previous COVID-19 WG Resources


If you are interested in the recordings of any of these webinars, please email [email protected] to request it.