Announcing the NOPREN Special Collection

The NOPREN Special Collections features peer-reviewed publications authored by NOPREN members in 2020-2023. This curated collection showcases the impact of NOPREN’s collaborative research and evaluation activities. It spotlights the many ways in which NOPREN member’s research has informed nutrition policy and practice at the national, state, and local levels. Included in the collection are articles on early childhood, drinking water access, federal nutrition assistance programs, rural food access, and pediatric obesity. 

2023 NOPREN HER WIC Special Collection

The NOPREN HER WIC Special Collection is a result of the strong NOPREN and Healthy Eating Research (HER) partnership. It includes five important WIC studies from 2023. The study topics include assessments of diet quality measures, WIC benefit redemptions and their implications, program implementation, and participant experiences. The selected studies fill research gaps and present opportunities to inform policy and practice. 

To view the 2023 WIC Special Collection, click here. 

1. Jacobs, J., Holcomb, J., Margellos-Anast, H., Martinez, L., & San Miguel, C. (2023). An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers Market Nutrition Program at Four Chicago WIC Sites. Nutrients, 15(5), 1122.

2. Anderson, C., Au, L. E., Martinez, C., Ritchie, L. D., Tsai, M., & Whaley, S. E. (2023). Increased WIC Cash Value Benefit is Associated with Greater Amount and Diversity of Redeemed Fruits and Vegetables among Participating Households. Current Developments in Nutrition, 7(9), 101986–101986.

3. Anderson, C. E., Yepez, C. E., & Whaley, S. E. (2023). Lower redemption of monthly Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children benefits associated with higher risk of program discontinuation. Public Health Nutrition, 26(12), 3041–3050.

4. Halverson, M. M., & Karpyn, A. (2023). Pandemic-Era WIC Participation in Wilmington, Delaware: Participants’ Experiences and Challenges. Nutrients, 15(3), 520–520.

5. Lyons, G. C., Kay, M. C., Duke, N. N., Bian, A., Schildcrout, J. S., Perrin, E. M., Rothman, R. L., Yin, H. S., Sanders, L. M., Flower, K. B., Delamater, A. M., & Heerman, W. J. (2023). Social Support and Breastfeeding Outcomes Among a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Population. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 64(3), 352–360.



Support for these products was provided in part by Cooperative Agreement Number (U48DP006374/ACL/ACL HHS/United States) funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) and Prevention Research Centers Program, which includes the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). The findings and conclusions in these products are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the CDC or DHHS.

NOPREN infrastructure supported all or part of the collaboration for the included studies. In addition, many received financial support from other sources.