Drinking Water

Use of a Water Filter at Home Reduces Sugary Drink Consumption among Parents and Infants/Toddlers in a Predominantly Hispanic Community: Results from the Water Up!@ Home Intervention Trial (Colon-Ramos)

4/24/24 9:30am PST
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos [email protected]
Use of a Water Filter at Home Recudes Sugary Drink Consumption among Parents and Infants/Toddlers in a Predominantly Hispanic Community: Results from the Water Up!@ Home Intervention Trial

Understanding & increasing water availability and accessibility in family childcare homes to improve young children’s water intake: Mixed methods data from the Drink Well/Bebe Bien study (Gans)

09/27/23, 12:30 PM EST; Understanding & increasing water availability and accessibility in family childcare homes to improve young children’s water intake: Mixed methods data from the Drink Well/Bebe Bien study; Kim Gans, PhD

Changing behaviors take time: Investing more than a decade into the Play Every Day campaign to improve serving healthy drinks to Alaska families (Potempa)

08/23/23, 12:30 PM EST; Changing behaviors take time: Investing more than a decade into the Play Every Day campaign to improve serving healthy drinks to Alaska families; Ann Potempa, MPH

U.S. EPA Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing and Reduction Grant and 3Ts (Training, Testing, Taking Action) Programs (Tan)

06/28/23, 12:30 PM EST; U.S. EPA Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing and Reduction Grant and 3Ts (Training, Testing, Taking Action) Programs; Ying Tan

The impact of low water intake on glucose regulation (Kavouras)

04/26/23, 12:30 PM EST; The impact of low water intake on glucose regulation; Stavros Kavouras PhD

Water- and Health-Related Risk Perceptions and Behaviors (Anthonj)

01/25/23, 12:30 PM EDT; Water- and Health-Related Risk Perceptions and Behaviors; Carmen Anthonj, PhD
