Food Security

Nourishing Little Ones: The Power of Food as Medicine for Healthy Children (Ridberg and Saxe-Custack)

TItle: Nourishing Little Ones: The Power of Food as Medicine for Healthy Children. Speakers: Dr. Ronit Ridberg and Dr. Amy Saxe-Custack; Date: May 20th at 1pm ET

Food Insecurity Among Veterans: Resources to Screen and Intervene (Going & Bowman)

2/26/24 - Christina Going and Megan Bowman. Food Insecurity Among Veterans: Resources to Screen and Intervene.

Food is Medicine Programs across Federally Qualified Health Centers in Massachusetts (Prendergast)

Topic: Food is Medicine Programs across Federally Qualified Health Centers in Massachusetts

Speaker: Kim Prendergast, Vice President of Social Health at the Community Care Cooperative (C3)

Food Insecurity Was Associated With Greater Family Health Care Expenditures In The US, 2016-17 (Palakshappa)

6/5 - Dr. Deepak Palakshappa will be presenting of his recent work : “Food Insecurity Was Associated With Greater Family Health Care Expenditures In The US, 2016-17”

Food Insecurity and Diet Quality (Eicher-Miller)

3/27/23 @ 12:00 EST The speaker for the March FSWG call will be Dr. Heather Eicher-Miller and she will be presenting on her wide breadth of work on food insecurity and diet quality

Farmers to Families Food Box (F-cubed) Evaluation, an HER-funded study (Yamoah)

11/28/22 12pm EDT
Speaker: Owusua Yamoah
Topic: Farmers to Families Food Box (F-cubed) Evaluation, an HER-funded study
