Early Childhood

The Early Care and Education (ECE) Setting: CDC's Research and Evaluation Priorities to help our Nation’s Children Grow up Healthy and Ready to Learn

Presentation title: The Early Care and Education (ECE) Setting: CDC's Research and Evaluation Priorities to help our Nation’s Children Grow up Healthy and Ready to Learn

Nourishing Little Ones: The Power of Food as Medicine for Healthy Children (Ridberg & Saxe-Custack)

TItle: Nourishing Little Ones: The Power of Food as Medicine for Healthy Children. Speakers: Dr. Ronit Ridberg and Dr. Amy Saxe-Custack; Date: May 20th at 1pm ET

Considering the Roles of Caregiving Grandparents and Multigenerational Households in Young Children's Nutrition and Food Security (Clark, Cheney & Morales Vasquez)

Topic: Considering the Roles of Caregiving Grandparents and Multigenerational Households in Young Children's Nutrition and Food Security

Speakers: Generations United and Drs. Ann Cheney and Evelyn Morales Vasquez from UC Riverside

Title: Grow Well/Crecer Bien – Incorporating Other Caregivers in Infant Feeding Intervention Research (Cheney)

Early-Life Environmental Influences on Child Blood Pressure: Time for Solutions (Zhang)

Early-Life Environmental Influences on Child Blood Pressure: Time for Solutions; Mingyu Zhang, PhD, MHS, Harvard

Online Shopping with WIC (Anderson Steves)

Betsy Anderson Steves, PhD, RD

Policy Update (Henchy & Lacko) & Brainstorming Future Topics

09/18/23 1pm EST. Policy Update by Geri Henchy, MPH, RD and & Allison Lacko, PhD. Brainstorming Future Topics for ECE WG

Early Childhood Student Research Spotlight Presentations 2023

07/10/23 1pm EST. Early Childhood Student Research Spotlight Presentations
