
Data Visualization Approaches to Promote Equity (Bruckner, McGuirt & Schwabish)

Title: Data Visualization Approaches to Promote Equity

Speakers: Lorin Bruckner, Data Science Librarian, UNC Chapel Hill, Jared McGuirt, Assistant Professor, UNC Greensboro, & Jon Schwabish, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute

Play for Life: A Playbook to Develop Every Student Through Sports (Solomon)

Speaker: Jon Solomon, Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program, Sport for All,

Title: Play for Life: A Playbook to Develop Every Student Through Sports

NHLBI Juvenile Justice Workshop Topics (Ajenikoko)

Title: "NHLBI Juvenile Justice Workshop Topics"

Assessing Organizational Readiness and Capacity Building to Implement the Good Food Purchasing Program: A Case Study in the County of Los Angeles (Wood)

Title: Assessing Organizational Readiness and Capacity Building to Implement the Good Food Purchasing Program: A Case Study in the County of Los Angeles
Speaker: Michelle Wood, DrPH, MPP
