
New and Innovative Measures in Healthy Food Retail (Jilcott-Pitts, Calloway & Hill)

February 21, 12pm ET; Topic: New and Innovative Measures in Healthy Food Retail; Speakers: Stephanie Jilcott-Pitts (ECU), Eric Calloway (GSRC), Alex Hill (Wayne State)

Using the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) framework to advance the science and practice of healthy food retail (Houghtaling)

February 16, 12pm ET/9am PT

Topic: Using the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) framework to advance the science and practice of healthy food retail

Speaker: Bailey Houghtaling, Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition

Fellowship projects (Olarte & Tsai)

February 14th at at 11am PT/2pm ET

Fellowship projects 1) review of breakfast in the classroom initiatives (Deb) and 2) evaluation of recess policies and practices, pre-pandemic, in a nationally representative sample of elementary schools

Adaptation of WISE for rural home visiting: an implementation science example (Swindle)

January 19, 12pm ET/9am PT

Topic: Adaptation of WISE for rural home visiting: an implementation science example

Speaker: Taren Swindle, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Implementing sustainability practices in hospital food services (Williams)

1/26 @ 2p EST // Implementing sustainability practices in hospital food services (Bethany Williams, PhD, MSH, EP-C)

Water- and Health-Related Risk Perceptions and Behaviors (Anthonj)

01/25/23, 12:30 PM EDT; Water- and Health-Related Risk Perceptions and Behaviors; Carmen Anthonj, PhD

Lunch 4 Learning Campaign (Fernandez)

January 10th at at 11am PT/2pm ET

Lunch 4 Learning Campaign 

(Cristina Fernandez, Columbia University )
