81 Webinars
NOPREN hosts monthly expert-led webinars the 2nd Monday of each month at 9am PST/12pm EST for its members as a way to share the latest research and evidence in the field of nutrition and obesity policy.
Exploring the Racial Equity in Public Policy Message Guide (Simaytis and Scarmo)
NOPREN CDC June 2021.pdf -
Sugar Sweetened Beverage Taxes: A Review of the Latest Evidence (Madsen)
SOS May 2021 - Kris Madsen - SSB Taxes.pdf -
The Impact of COVID-19 on School Nutrition Programs: A Review of the Evidence (Soldavini, Lane, Cohen, & Read)
April 2021 State of the Science -
Food Insecurity & Food Access During COVID at the National and State Levels: Implications for Policymaking (Otten et al)
NFACT NOPREN SOS Jan 2021.pdf -
Exploring Systematic Boundaries that have Structured Nutrition Behaviors (Weaks)
Weaks Dec 2020 - NOPREN SOS.pdf -
Food as Medicine: Nutritional Priorities and Policy Actions (Mozaffarian)
Nov-20_NOREN Food is Medicine 11-9-20.pdf -
Integrating Racial/Ethnic Equity into Policy Research: Policy Assessments to Improve Child Health (Joshi, Acevedo-Garcia)
Oct-20_NOPREN PEA 10.12.20 FINAL.pdf -
Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Healthy Eating during COVID-19: The Role of HER NOPREN Work Groups
Hidden Identities, Hidden Lives: When Data Obscures Health Disparities (Ponce)
May-20_Ponce_Hidden Identities_Presentation to CDC's NOPREN network 11.May_.20.pdf -
Local-Level Implementation of Evidenced Based Policies to Address Obesity Disparities (Morshed)
NOPREN SOS 2020.03.09_Morshed.pdf