82 Webinars
NOPREN hosts monthly expert-led webinars the 2nd Monday of each month at 9am PST/12pm EST for its members as a way to share the latest research and evidence in the field of nutrition and obesity policy.
Artificial Sweetener Consumption and Children’s Health: Key Considerations for Nutrition Policy (Sylvetsky)
NOPREN State-of-the-Science: August 2021 -
Exploring the Racial Equity in Public Policy Message Guide (Simaytis and Scarmo)
NOPREN CDC June 2021.pdf -
Sugar Sweetened Beverage Taxes: A Review of the Latest Evidence (Madsen)
SOS May 2021 - Kris Madsen - SSB Taxes.pdf -
The Impact of COVID-19 on School Nutrition Programs: A Review of the Evidence (Soldavini, Lane, Cohen, & Read)
April 2021 State of the Science -
Food Insecurity & Food Access During COVID at the National and State Levels: Implications for Policymaking (Otten et al)
NFACT NOPREN SOS Jan 2021.pdf -
Exploring Systematic Boundaries that have Structured Nutrition Behaviors (Weaks)
Weaks Dec 2020 - NOPREN SOS.pdf -
Food as Medicine: Nutritional Priorities and Policy Actions (Mozaffarian)
Nov-20_NOREN Food is Medicine 11-9-20.pdf -
Integrating Racial/Ethnic Equity into Policy Research: Policy Assessments to Improve Child Health (Joshi, Acevedo-Garcia)
Oct-20_NOPREN PEA 10.12.20 FINAL.pdf -
Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Healthy Eating during COVID-19: The Role of HER NOPREN Work Groups
Hidden Identities, Hidden Lives: When Data Obscures Health Disparities (Ponce)
May-20_Ponce_Hidden Identities_Presentation to CDC's NOPREN network 11.May_.20.pdf