The resources featured below consist of manuscripts, publications, research briefs, and other tools developed by NOPREN Work Groups and members. For resources or webinars not included here, please email [email protected] to request it.
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HER NOPREN Summer Speaker Series: Series Overview
HER NOPREN Summer Speaker Series: SNAP
Kinsey E, Hecht A, Dunn C, Levi R, Read M, Smith C, Niesen P, Seligman H, Hager E, 2020: School Closures During COVID-19: Opportunities for Innovation in Meal Service. AJPH
Leone LA, Fleischhacker S, Anderson Steeves B, Harper K, Winkler MR, Racine EF, Baquero B, Gittelsohn J. Healthy food retail during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and future directions. Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health. September 2020.
McLoughlin G et al. Addressing Food Insecurity through a Health Equity Lens: A Case Study of Large Urban School Districts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Urban Health. 2020