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Food Insecurity and Suicidal Behaviors among U.S. High School Students (Danielle Brown)
FSWG_March 2021.pdf -
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Evaluating Factors Associated with WIC Program Participation and Retention (Barnes, Singleton, & Isaacs)
Rural Food Access Student Spotlight Series
Poverty, Food Insecurity, and Toddler Health: Statistical Models to Inform Health Promotion (Armstrong)
NOPREN - Armstrong_March 2021-Early Childhood WG.pdf -
The FIT Study: A Cluster Randomized-Controlled Trial of Body Mass Index Screening & Reporting in Schools
SWWG_March 2021.pdf -
Kansas Healthy Food Initiative and the Rural Grocery Initiative (Member Spotlight: Erica Blair)
A Collaborative Approach to Modifying the University Food Environment (Hofing, Holzhauer, Racine, Stephens)
CACFP Providers' Experiences and Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Chriqui)
Chatham Food Hub: Creating Food Access and Economic Opportunity in a Pandemic (Wertman)
COVID-19 Work Group | Feb 2021