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Conversation Retailers and Academic Collaboration Experience - Collin Payne and Pay N' Save
Healthy Food Retail - Retailers sub: December 2016 -
Food Insecurity and Healthcare Expenditures (Berkowitz)
Food Security Work Group: November 2016 -
Marketing of Baby and Toddler Food and Drinks: What is it Teaching Parents? (Harris)
Early Childhood Work Group: November 2016 -
Creating Intersections for Policy, Practice, Research, and Community Collaboration: A State-Based Example (HealthMPowers)
School Wellness Work Group: November 2016 -
Let's Move! Campaign (Oakar)
Increasing Healthy Food Access in Communities of low-income and low access: evaluating a community-initiated food hub (Sharpe)
Sharpe-Food-hub-evaluation-10-21-16.pdf -
Digital Food Marketing in the Big Data Era: Recent Developments
Healthy Food Retail Work Group: October 2016, HFR_Evaluation of the Berkeley Soda Tax_Falbe.pdf -
Prevalence and Trends of Obesity: What We Know & Gaps (Blanck, Ogden)
Teacher-Led Preschool Physical Activity Interventions (Alhassan)
Early Childhood Work Group: October 2016 -
A Review of the First Nine Years of District Wellness Policies: Progress and Opportunities (Chriqui)