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Healthy Food Retail Intervention Strategies (Payne)
Land Use, Regional Planning and Community Development Financing to Stimulate the Development or Renovation of Healthy Food Retail Options in Under-Served Areas (Public Health Law Center, Urban Land Institute, The Food Trust, The Reinvestment Fund)
Increasing Access to Drinking Water in Schools: Strategies for Success (CDC)
Drinking Water Work Group: May 2016 -
Obesity Prevention Efforts in Mexico: Efforts by the National Institute of Public Health (Barquera)
Developing a Reliable, Valid Measure of School Wellness Policy Implementation: The WellSAT-1 (Rudd Center)
Parents as Partners: A Grassroots Approach to Advocacy for Children's Healthy Weight (Healthi Kids)
Publishing Policy-Relevant Research (JAMA Peds)
Online Grocery Shopping: promise and pitfalls for healthier food and beverage purchases (Jilcott-Pitts)
Healthy Food Retail Work Group: April 2019 -
Health Impact Assessments: An Overview (Andress)
Rural Food Access Work Group: March 2016 -
Sugary Drink Warning Labels & Portion Limits: Science & Politics (Roberto)