Is there a NOPREN webinar we can help make more accessible? Please fill out the following form with your requested accessibility features and we will do our best to accommodate your request:
High School Students' Insights on the Revised USDA School Meal Standards and School Food Environment (Chriqui, Schwartz)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dietary Assessment Methods but Forgot (or Were Afraid) to Ask (Yaroch)
Changes in Obesity Rates for Young Children: Interpretations Using Different Data Sources and Statistical Methods (Skinner)
Early Childhood Work Group: August 2016 -
The Healthy Path to Student Success: Findings and Recommendations from a School Nutrition and Physical Activity Study
Voices for Healthy Kids (Whitsel)
Family-based Interventions to Reduce Obesity Risk in Young Children (Nezami, Dev)
D. Diev - Parent Provider Communication PPT.pdf, Nezami ECE Presentation .pdf -
Associations between School Demographic Characteristics and Physical Activity Practices in Nevada (Lounsberry Monnat)
The Role of Responsive Parenting in Pediatric Obesity Prevention (Savage Williams)
The Maryland Wellness Policies and Practices Project: Research to Practice Strategies (Hager)
Harnessing Research to Create Policy Change (Brownell)