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Study Design and Analysis Methods for Examining the Impact of Nutrition and Physical Activity-Related Law and Policy on Practices, Community Environments, and Individual Behaviors/Attitudes (Chriqui)
Aug-18_Chriqui_NOPREN_PAPRN_13Aug18_FINAL.pdf -
Mapping Policy Landscapes to Improve Child Nutrition in Child Care Settings (Otten, Frost)
Physically Active Classrooms Energize: Teacher Perceptions and Student Outcomes (Calvert, Turner)
Evaluating Natural Experiments to Prevent and Control Obesity (Bennett)
July-18_Natural experiments - NOPREN.pdf -
Understanding SNAP-Ed and Early Care and Education Settings (Odoms-Young, Keane, Schroeder)
Firing On All Ps: Adding the Power of Social Marketing to Health Promotion (Parvanta)
June-18_Firing on all Ps_NOPREN_.pdf -
The Healthy Communities Study: What is Working to Improve Child Weight, Nutrition & Physical Activity? (Ritchie)
Updating School Wellness Policy Measurement: WellSAT 3.0 and WellSAT-Interview (Rudd Center)
May-18_Schwartz WellSAT NOPREN May 8.pdf -
School Wellness Programming through SWITCH (School Wellness Integration Targeting Child Health) (Welk, Lee)
April-18_NOPREN_SWWGCallSummary10APR18.pdf -
Food Service Guidelines Collaborative Overview: Research and Operations Subgroup
April-18_nopren_ppt_FSG Research and Operations Workgroup_EW_SO.pdf