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Student Summer Series 2023 - Improving Nutrition Security during Early Childhood
SSS_Session 1_6.14.23 -
CDC Healthy Schools: Sneak Preview of New Cooperative Agreement (Sliwah & Merlo)
AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Evaluation and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity (Sonneville)
Launch of NOPREN’s New Pediatric Obesity Health Services Research Work Group (Goodman, Staiano & Block)
Access to Healthy Food: Retail Inequality & Structural Racism (Kolb & Singleton)
Food Insecurity Was Associated With Greater Family Health Care Expenditures In The US, 2016-17 (Palakshappa)
WHO Action Framework (Ide)
Community Food Strategies in North Carolina share how their organization supports local food policy councils across the state (Member Spotlights: Marcus Hill & Abbey Piner)
An introduction to the Farm Bill (Cates)
Policy wins during the COVID-19 Pandemic and opportunities to promote food and nutrition security as the federal public health emergency ends